Space to Sparkle

Much like a disco ball that sparkles because of its many pieces, the different positions of the planets in your birth chart illuminate your quintessence.
A natal birth chart is your unique expression of the universal energies that lie within you - like the disco ball, it is your Space to Sparkle.
Burn, Baby, Burn: Tone Up Your Twinkles
Ready to explore the unique energies that make your stars twinkle? Get a free copy of your birth chart with my Cosmic Calculator!
The Universe dances and jives but are you having the time of your life? My Current Cosmology report will show how today's planets influence the energetic mood.
Need help understanding what all this star talk really means? I've got all the hot takes!
Disco on down, let's set your soul on fire!
Satisfaction, Came in the Chain Reaction
Energy Cannot be Created or Destroyed; it Can Only Change Forms.
My life changed after my NDE and looking back, I am not the same person I was before. Did I need a near death experience to initiate this change? I'd argue no, but who am I to question the mysterious ways in which our Universe works. As I was recovering, many of my musings centered on the meaning of it all. I felt stuck, figuratively and literally, and a deep yearning for inspiration; the spark. Then, my sister introduced me to astrology. Astrology gave me context, meaning, and connection. My Space to Sparkle.
Your whole life is contained in your birth chart. How you look, act, feel, communicate, perceive and interact with yourself and others. It outlines your public life, your interests and passions, your hidden desires, and the person you should strive to be. The person who begging to shine through. We are all energized by the cosmic shifts in our Universe; astrology is how we define the energetic manifestation in the personal and collective quintessence. Ready to Sparkle? Give yourself the gift of Space!