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Into The Mystic

Writer's picture: Lacey LuxonLacey Luxon

Natal astrology has gained popularity recently and people are interested in knowing more about their birth chart, planetary alignments, and what it all means. How do you get started and what are the basics you should know? Let me help you!

Discover Your Natal Chart

Western astrology is a continuation of ancient Hellenistic and Babylonian studies and traditions, dating back as far as the 19th century BCE. Largely horoscopic, western astrology can be used to explain portions of a person's personality through their natal chart placements. Until recently, western astrology was reduced to only sun sign analysis; thankfully, the practice has evolved. This evolution is significant because natal chart interpretation can expand our knowledge of human behavior, inclinations, and motivations. Humans are complex beings, the sum of which is far greater than any singular planetary placement. So what is a natal chart?

What Your Natal/Birth Chart Means

Your natal chart shows the planetary alignments within the zodiac at the exact moment you entered life on Earth. These placements give greater perspective and meaning to who you are as a person, what is meaningful to you, and how you navigate the world and others in it. "Millionaires don't use astrology; billionaires do." That's a quote made famous by JP Morgan, but I couldn't agree with him more. While he was speaking specifically to electional astrology, there is still merit in his words for horoscopic. Your natal chart can give you clarity and direction to hone your strengths, overcome your obstacles, and realize your destiny. After all, we're on this planet for a reason... might as well know what it is.

When we talk about placements in your natal chart it's essential that you know the 12 zodiac signs because of their meaningfulness; these are where your planets are placed. The zodiac is the belt of constellations that our planets move through in their journey of the sky. Ancient astrologers discovered and defined twelve constellations within the belt that the sun passes throughout the year, which now represent our twelve zodiac signs. Each sign compromises 30 degree sectors of the Earth's 360 degree orbit around the Sun. The order of the zodiac signs is based on the Earth's relationship to fixed, designated positions in the sky, as well as the seasons, and begins when the Aries constellation enters the Northern Hemisphere Vernal Equinox on or around March 21st every year. I will explain the zodiac signs, houses, and aspects in upcoming blogs so be sure you subscribe below!

What You Need to Get Started

There are three main pieces of information you need to accurately produce your natal chart. Your birthdate (month, date, and year), location of your birthplace (city, state/other specifics), and your birth time. The last one is usually the most challenging, but if you or the ones who brought you into this world don't know your exact birth time you can find it on your birth certificate.

Once you've got your information click here to discover your natal chart.

Now that you've got your chart, you'll probably have more questions than answers - that's expected! Use my planetary overview below to help navigate the meaning of the planets. Once you gain a deeper knowledge of what each planet influences in human behavior and composition, you will better understand how your zodiac placement for each planet influences your personal being.

The Planets: An Introduction

Ancient civilizations associated the planets with the will of the Gods and how that influenced human activity and affairs, so students of mythology will likely make quick associations between the planets, the ancient deity whose name they share, and what meaning the planets has to your persona. Test your mythology knowledge as you read about each planet below!

Classical Planets

There are seven heavenly bodies that can easily be seen by the naked eye and were known to ancient astrologers, which modern astrologists call the classical planets. Uranus can also be seen by the naked eye, but there isn't evidence that it was used in ancient astrology so it is excluded. Even though the Sun and Moon aren't planets, they are included because they were thought to act like planets and are referred to as "lights" or "luminaries". The classical planets are ordered by their rate of speed: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. The personal planets are Mercury, Venus, and Mars; they represent the most meaningful drives in human behavior. The Sun and Moon represent existential and sensitive fundamentals of an individual. Jupiter and Saturn are the social planets and represent the transition from the inner, personal planets to the modern, more impersonal planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.


The Sun represents your ego and core personality; it shows which zodiac sign the sun was in on the date you were born. Your sun placement demonstrates your will, purpose, sense of self, and your evolving Higher Self. Think of this as who you are at your deepest core; your ego, self and expression, and most inner being are all encompassed in your life force. I like to think of it as how you see yourself - your internal, personal identity.


The Moon represents your emotions, mood, habits, and instincts. Think of this as how you respond to external stimuli - people, situations, occurrences. The Moon shows us our general inclination of mood, emotional response, and habitual creation. It is not unusual for individuals to feel a greater connection to their Moon sign instead of their Sun, especially since it rules your emotions. This affirms the important of knowing your birth time and location for accuracy in analysis; without it, you moon sign can vary by up to 6 degrees in both directions which potentially changes your placement.


Named for the Roman messenger to the Gods, Mercury is the planet of communication. How you communicate, how you absorb information, and how your thoughts are structured. Think of this planet less on the surface level of communication and more on the internal level; what goes on in your mind. Logic and rationality fall under your Mercury placement. If you've ever felt a struggle in communicating what you really mean, like me, your Mercury placement can provide insight.


As long as you weren't sleeping through your mythology lessons, you know that Venus is the planet of love. Goddess aside, the placement of Venus in your natal chart shows much more than romantic inclinations. This placement demonstrates what you find attractive, beautiful, and pleasurable, including finances and material possessions. Think of your Venus placement as your ultimate love language and how you define luxury.


Mythology students might also recognize this planet's representation based on its association - Mars is the God of War and this placement expresses your drive. Ambition, aggression, passion, energy, sex drive - this placement is carnal and animalistic. Remember when Cady imagined all the students as wild animals in "Mean Girls"? Same concept!


It's been recommended to wish upon a star, but might I offer Jupiter as an alternative? This planet and subsequent placement in your natal chart represents hope, healing, luck, and growth. We're all searching for happiness but most often we don't look to our Jupiter placement for direction and we absolutely should! Your placement gives insight to how you find happiness and purpose, and where you are likely to experience the most luck in life.


The opposite of its predecessor, Saturn is a planet of restriction. A nice healthy dose of "reality", your placement highlights your obstacles and where/how you can be disciplined. A force to be reckoned with, think of Saturn as karma that you can see coming. Maturity, responsibility, and stewardship are the core tenants of this taskmaster planet.


Disclaimer: this isn't actually a planet, but if you're discovering astrology and your natal chart, this is an important component. Commonly referred to as your Rising Sign, your Ascendant placement is the zodiac sign that was ascending on the eastern horizon when you were born; hence, the importance of your birth time. Up until the early 20th Century, your rising sign was considered the dominant influence of your being rather than your sun sign. Think of it like a first-impression. This is how others see you based on your general impression and spontaneous reactions. Together with your Sun and Moon, the Ascendant is part of what is colloquially called your "Big Three". The Sun is your most inner self, the Moon is your emotions, and the Ascendant is the impression you give to the world. It is not unusual for your big three to feel disconnected or at odds so if you've ever felt like people don't actually see or know you, this could be why. We often identify with who we are to others and how we are seen so when you're reading a daily horoscope, don't just look at your sun sign; look at your big three placements.

Modern Planets

Now begins what are called the modern or "generational" planets. Their meaningfulness to you may be more of an idea rather than an application; but, there is merit in knowing these placements as they apply to broader populations. Get to know yourself but also your comrades; you may have more in common than you think!


Uranus is the planet of sudden change and inspiration. Rebellious and innovative, this placement hates rules and is eager for change; a striking dichotomy to its seven-year sign transit. Known as the awakener, Uranus' aspects and transits bring shocking outcomes and sudden changes. Uranus is currently in Taurus, meaning there could be changes in finances and values for society as a whole. Late-stage capitalism, anyone? Uranus transitions to Gemini in 2025; last time it was in this sign Gutenberg invented the printing press, starting the printing revolution. Big changes may be ahead!


Named for a God in western mythology, Neptune was the God of Water. It's planetary alignment shows our dreams, intuition, and imagination. This planet influences spirituality, dreams, fantasies, and all things magical and mystic. Your placement will help explain how you dream, your intuition and psychic inclinations, and your subconscious. This planet encourages empathy and can be interpreted through creative preferences and endeavors such as art, music, and theater.


Named for the Greek God of the Underworld, Pluto is the planet of rebirth. Symbolizing transformation, your Pluto placement will shed light on psychological changes and challenges. Birth, death, disasters, ghosts, and clairvoyance are demonstrated through Pluto. Because of its distance, Pluto's influence is more subtle in your chart than that of other planets; however, because it's a generational planet, your house is more meaningful than your sign. But that's for another blog post; be sure to subscribe below!

What Does Your Chart Say?

Modern astrology is complex and I am not an expert. This information is based on my personal research, knowledge, and understandings at this moment in time. What I love about astrology is the variability; while your placements are not unique their combination absolutely is. Your placements act both individually and together to make up your persona, preferences, and you see/navigate life on Earth; I find that fascinating and forever interesting. It's a study and practice that calls for an eternal student and I love learning. My chart is below - what does yours say? If you want more astrology information don't forget to subscribe below!

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